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Inspiring our Community to Do the Impossible


Jesus looked hard at them and said,

"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it."

Matthew 19:26 The Message


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The Church We See...




The church we see is family and known by their love for each other and love for outsiders. We always accept, include and discover the best in others.


The church we see is characterized by the Holy Spirit as spiritual gifts flow freely and in order. We see visions and dream dreams. We pray and walk with supernatural faith. We see God do the impossible in us and through us. 


The church we see is captivating to our culture that is searching for answers. We are sincere in our witness and settled in our convictions. We are strong in our stand for God’s truth and expressive in our corporate worship to Him. 


The church we see is courageous in our calling. We listen to God’s voice and have the confidence to do what He says. We are not safe, resting in our history or our comfort zones. We are true followers, not just mere fans of Jesus who are surrendered to His plans and how He wants to build the church. 


The church we see is contagious to our community.  We love without boundaries, we serve without strings, we give generously without fear.  We are real in our struggles. We are relevant in our approach. We extend new beginnings, new songs and new mercies to others, believing the best is yet to come.


*The Vision will continually grow as we journey, because it is only a view from a point.

God always brings new perspectives and scenic outlooks as we travel.



what we believe 


The Foursquare Church believes that Jesus Christ is

the Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon-Coming King.


We stand firm on the foundation set by Hebrews 13:8, which proclaims:

"Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday and Today and Forever."



Anchors for our Journey 



We are family. We desire to personify the importance

and advantage of living life together as a family in all we do!





We are authentic. We are real, not religious in our struggles and routines. 




We are Spirit-Filled. We live passionately pursuing what the Holy Spirit leads us to do. We listen to Jesus' voice in our lives and obey Him everyday. We desire to see the supernatural power of God demonstrated through us each day as He develops our gifts and talents.




We are a people of worship. We desire to sing a lifestyle of excellence in every relationship and pursuit, understanding everything we do can bring glory and worship to Jesus. We desire to attract others to Christ in our corporate worship as we bring praise to Jesus with passion, expression and emotion!




We are a multi-generational and multi-cultural family. We celebrate our diversity. We know our differences can make us more effective. We desire to see every person accelerate the church to greater and greater seasons of fruitfulness..




We are creative. We understand that God is the ultimate creative engineer and that He has gifted all of us with talents that will glorify Him. We desire to be a place for creatives to call home as we we use our creative arts to call the lost back to their origin.  




We are gracious. We understand the heights of grace we have been given by our Father and desire to extend generous grace and mercy to others. 




We are a thankful people. We desire to never compare, criticize, or be ungrateful; 

knowing that His goodness overshadows our discontentment.




We are hospitable. We desire to show our family and our neighbors hospitality. We are prepared, punctual, selfless, warm and loving. We enjoy receiving and entertaining our guests and our family.




We are a joyful people. We attract non-belivers as they see our joy regardless of circumstances.

We smile. We have fun. We love life and living it together!






our pastors


Stephen, Cynthia, 
Noah-25, Riley-22, Reagan-20, Jaden-10

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Stephen and Cynthia are the Lead Pastors at Newsong Church in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado. 


Stephen & Cynthia graduated from L.I.F.E. Bible College in 1996. Previously Stephen served as J12 Pastor at The Rock in Anaheim, Creative Director for J12 National, and in full-time youth ministry with Cynthia for 26 years in Kansas, Oregon and southern California.


They love Kansas Jayhawks Basketball & Football, St. Louis Cardinals, Denver Nuggets and are trying to embrace the Denver Broncos. Cynthia is active in Jaden's school and enjoys decorating and baking. Stephen loves eating what Cynthia bakes, sharing coffee with new friends, and video editing. Noah is an engineer that fixes machines that make microchips. Riley is studying Sport Management in college. Reagan is a cosmetologist. Jaden is already changing the world in 4th grade.


The Hibdons are passionate about family, community and helping others live a spirit filled life of authentic and daring faith.


our pastors

assistant pastors

kristian and thomas.jpg

Thomas and Kristian Rizuto.

Thomas & Kristian are the Assistant Pastors at Newsong. They attended Ignite Academy, graduated from Life Bible College and were married in 2014. The Rizuto’s have served as Youth Pastors, Preschool Directors and Children’s Pastors in Washington and Virginia.



They have a beautiful 7 year old named Ruthie and a 5 year old named Leo. Kristian loves coffee. (Thomas bringing her coffee on a regular basis is one of the ways Kristian fell for him.) Thomas’ family owns an award-winning ice cream shop and a cotton candy company. He loves sports, especially college basketball (Go Jayhawks!), and all outdoor activities.


They have a desire to see the church grow through the development of relationships with one another and with Jesus. They are passionate for community outreach, missions and discipleship among other areas. They long to see people walk in the promises of God with courage, commitment and without compromise.

Phrases people use to describe the Newsong, Colorado Springs Church:

Charismatic, Pentecostal, Spirit-Filled, Holy Spirit led, family friendly, Foursquare, Spiritual Gifts encouraged, Christian Church, non-denominational, evangelical, protestant.

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