Spiritual Gifts in Ministry
Table Description
Hearing from God and Developing Spiritual Gifts A Bible study & discussion group with activation, practice & prayer
Week 1: The importance of the gifts
What is the purpose of the gifts? Why needed?
How do we get them? Do we all have gifts?
Which are the gifts we will focus on? (inspirational gift of prophecy, & briefly gifts of revelation of words of knowledge, words of wisdom, discernment of spirit)
Spiritual gift inventories: Spiritual gift inventories: can be helpful to identity your gifts but with some things to consider.
Activation & time of prayer
Week 2: Hearing God's voice & importance to the gifts
Why is hearing God's voice important?
Jn. 10:27 talks about us being sheep able to hear His voice. What does hearing His voice mean & what ways does He communicate with us?
Differentiation between Satan's voice, our voice, God's voice
Five ways to be sure you are hearing from Him
Tips in hearing from God
A Guide for hearing
What spiritual exercises can I practice to improve my ability to hear God's voice:
Activation: prayer & practice exercise
Week 3: How to cultivate and steward the gifts
What would be a prerequisite of cultivating our gifts that we touched on in week 1?
What traits can we pursue that will help create an atmosphere where Holy Spirit can manifest more?
Activation: prayer & practice exercise
Week 4: The Prophetic: tips on how to give and receive
Guidelines for giving a prophetic word
Confirming and stewarding a prophetic word
Activation: prayer & practice exercise
Week 5: Hindrances to the operation of gifts
1) Lacking understanding of how to apply to daily living (1 Cor. 12:1
2) Not seeking the Lord, waiting on Him & listening for what's on His heart for others & not our agendas (Ps.46:10 Be still & know that I am God)
3) Basic doubt or unbelief (Hebr. 3:18,19 not able to enter in because of unbelief)
4) Not being sensitive to others or to the Spirit-not listening to someone else
(1 Cor. 14:30 But if anything is revealed to another who sits by, let the first keep silent)
5) Pride: wanting to impress others or be known for our gift
6) Stepping back or not being available due to fear because of past criticism or mistakes (2 Timothy 1:6,7 stir up your gift, not given a spirit of fear...)
7) Underestimating how God may want to use you especially if you're quiet, thinking it's the more vocal or eloquent that should speak
8) Feeling unworthy - believing we are not holy enough or equipped enough
Activation: prayer & practice exercise.